IPL Hair Removal

in Warwick, NY

If you are tired of tweezing, shaving, or waxing, only to have your unwanted hair grow right back, Jade Medispa is here to help. We are pleased to introduce Viora V-20 IPL, the most innovative hair removal device on the market. The medical-grade technology delivers significant hair reduction quickly and safely. Enjoy dramatic results that last!

Non-Invasive | Effective | Customizable

Viora V-20 IPL Intense Pulsed Light

Fully customizable treatment protocols

Works well for men and women

Superior hair removal for multiple hair colors and skin types

Delivers 60 percent hair reduction after just one treatment

Advanced cooling for unmatched comfort

Can be used on the face and body

Suitable for large areas of the body

Permanent hair reduction results

Minimal to no discomfort or downtime

How Does Viora Hair Removal Work?

Viora V-20 IPL offers a non-invasive, painless, and highly effective solution for removing unwanted hair with the help of intense pulsed light (IPL) technology. The revolutionary technology results in a 60 percent reduction of hair after just one treatment! The device offers strong and stable contact cooling and three pulse configurations integrated into the PCR™ Technology, ensuring safe and effective treatments for virtually all skin types (Fitzpatrick I-VI). IPL hair removal offers an incredible option to permanently reduce unwanted hair anywhere on the body!

How Does IPL Hair Removal Work?

During treatment, our experienced providers apply the IPL device to your skin, emitting flashes of light. The melanin in the hair follicles absorbs the light energy, destroying the hair follicles without harming the surrounding skin. The damaged hair follicles can no longer produce new hairs, leaving you with long-term hair reduction results.

IPL hair removal therapy works well for men and women. It can target unwanted hair on most areas of the face and body, including the upper lips, chin, legs, underarms, bikini area, chest, and back.

How Many IPL Treatment Sessions Will You Require?

Your hair goes through a natural growth cycle with three phases: Anagen, catagen, and telogen.

Anagen is an active growth stage that typically lasts two to eight years. Catagen is more of a transitional phase that lasts about two to three weeks. The last stage, telogen, is a resting phase that lasts about 100 days, during which the hairs fall out. New hairs replace the lost ones, and the cycle starts over again.

IPL hair removal is effective during the anagen or active growth stage. Since not all your hairs are in the same growth stage at any given time, you will need several treatments to achieve long-lasting results. The number of sessions will depend on your unique needs, including your hair texture and the treatment area. In most cases, we recommend 3 to 6 IPL sessions spaced 6 to 8 weeks apart. You may require touch-up treatments to maintain your silky, smooth, and hair-free skin.

Note: Keep in mind that treatment results may vary from person to person.

IPL Hair Removal Near Me in Warwick, NY

If you are tired of dealing with unwanted hair, contact Jade Medispa to schedule a consultation. We will evaluate your unique needs and demonstrate what IPL hair removal can do for you. It’s time to put away the razors, tweezers, and wax. We invite you to contact us at 845-537-5050 to schedule your appointment or request one online today!