IPL Therapies

in Warwick, NY

Jade Medispa is pleased to offer a range of cosmetic procedures, including IPL therapy, to repair skin damage and restore your clear and radiant complexion. The non-invasive technology reverses the signs of aging and sun damage and treats vascular lesions, acne, pigmented lesions, and so much more. IPL therapy provides a safe and effective skin rejuvenation solution with dramatic, lasting results!

Acne Clearance | Pigmented Lesions | Vascular Lesions

Viora V-IPL Intense Pulsed Light Therapy

Fully customized treatment protocols

Targets specific skin conditions

Stimulates collagen and elastin fiber production

Treats most areas of the body, including the face, neck, hands, and chest

Clears acne, delivering a smooth complexion

Improves the appearance of vascular lesions and redness

Evens out skin tone and texture

Rejuvenates, renews, and revitalizes dull and aging skin

Improves hyperpigmentation, age spots, sunspots, and overall skin appearance

Fast and effective treatment with no pain or downtime

Noticeable, long-lasting results

Viora Intense Pulsed Light (IPL) Therapy

Viora V-IPL is setting a new standard for intense pulsed light treatments, offering instant, painless results for acne clearance, pigmented lesions, vascular lesions, and skin rejuvenation. The advanced and proprietary PCR™ Technology allows for complete control and customization. IPL therapy can be tailored to your unique skin type and specific concerns, delivering the safest and most effective treatment possible. The unique Contact Cooling technology provides comfortable treatments with minimal to no downtime.

What Can IPL Therapy Do for You?

Here is a look at some of the skin concerns IPL therapy addresses:

Acne Clearance

Intense pulse light targets the skin's deeper layers, beneath acne and acne scarring, without harming the surrounding tissues. Pigments in the cells absorb the light energy and turn it to heat, destroying acne-causing bacteria at the source. IPL therapy also promotes collagen and elastin production, smoothing away acne scars. Just a few treatment sessions will leave you with a smooth and acne-free complexion.

Skin Rejuvenation

IPL therapy can improve the skin's overall appearance. The light energy generates heat, stimulating collagen and elastin production in the treatment area, leading to firmer, more youthful-looking skin. IPL therapy virtually erases fine lines and wrinkles and brings new life to dull and aging skin.

Vascular Lesions

IPL therapy is highly effective at improving the appearance of vascular lesions, such as broken capillaries, rosacea, and facial redness. A series of long and short pulses of light target the hemoglobin in the blood vessels, heating them and causing them to collapse. The body naturally absorbs the damaged veins, leaving you with a clear complexion.

Pigmented Lesions

IPL therapy can effectively treat pigmentation concerns, such as age spots, sunspots, and freckles. Light energy targets the melanin in the pigmented areas, breaking it down. The result? A more even skin tone and a beautifully clear complexion.

What Can You Expect?

IPL therapy takes between 5 and 30 minutes to complete, depending on the treatment area and your skin's condition.

Viora's PCR™ Technology and advanced contact cooling system provide comfortable treatment. You may have a slight stinging or heat sensation but should not experience pain. V-IPL therapy is non-invasive, so you should not require downtime after treatment.

The number of IPL treatments you will require ranges from a single session to 10 sessions, depending on your unique needs. Results are usually apparent after the first treatment, with gradual improvement as the treatment course progresses.

Is Viora V-IPL Therapy Right for You?


Viora treatments are customized to your unique needs. It is suitable for almost anyone looking for a non-surgical beauty solution to target a host of skin imperfections. The best way to determine what Viora V-IPL therapy is right for you is to talk to our experienced providers. We will create a custom treatment plan with the best solutions to deliver your desired results.

Note: Keep in mind that treatment results may vary from person to person.

Viora V-IPL Therapy Near Me in Warwick, NY

If you are in search of a solution to improve the health and overall appearance of your skin, contact Jade Medispa to schedule a consultation. We will evaluate your unique needs and recommend the best non-surgical solution to deliver a clearer, more youthful complexion. We invite you to contact us at 845-537-5050 to schedule your appointment or request one online today!